Thank you for your interest in our Upward Bound program!  Please complete pre-application thoroughly. You cannot save and restart this application. You may want to review the included items, take some time to make notes and gather the required documents, and then return to submit your application.  If you have any questions, please call our office at (505) 925-8861.

Pre Application 

General Information:

Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Middle Name
Date of Birth *
Physical Address: *
Mailing Address: *
City *
State *
Zip *
Name of Parent/Guardian 1: *
Phone Number of Parent/Guardian 1: *
Name of Parent/Guardian 2: *
Phone Number of Parent/Guardian 2: *
Student's Phone Number *
Student's Email Address: *
Parent/Guardian Email Address:
Gender *
Are you a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident? *
Primary Language *
The University of New Mexico is required by Federal law to request this information for statistical reporting purposes. Your response is voluntary.
Do you consider yourself Hispanic/Latino?
In addition, select one or more of the following ethnic categories to describe yourself:
Are you a first generation student (neither parent or legal guardian has completed a bachelor's degree from an accredited college)? *
Provide a detailed description of why you want to be in the Upward Bound Program? (3-4 sentences) *
How will your student be transported to and from Upward Bound events? *
If other, please specify:
How or by who did you find out about the program? *

Academic Info:
Current School Attending *
Current Grade Level *
What is your current high school GPA as shown on your transcript? *
Do you have an IEP or 504 plan? *
If yes, please explain:
Do you plan on taking a College Placement Exam this year? *
If yes, which one?
Are you taking any Dual Credit Classes? *
Do you plan on taking one? *
What type of degree do you plan to obtain? (You can check more than one):
High School Diploma
Vocational or Technical School Degree
Two Year/Associate's Degree
Four Year/Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree

Family Information:
Parent/Guardian 1 Highest Educational Level *
Parent/Guardian 2 Highest Educational Level *
How many people in your household? *
Family Income Range *
Check any of the following that your family receives:
Food Stamps
Social Security Benefits
Veterans Benefits

Sign and Submit:
Applicant Signature *
Signature Type: SMS    Start Over
After validation, the cell phone number will become part of the electronic signature.
Cell Phone Number:

Parent/Guardian Signature *
Signature Type: SMS    Start Over
After validation, the cell phone number will become part of the electronic signature.
Cell Phone Number: